
Section 1: Multiple Choice questions

#1 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Geocentric model of the universe

#2 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

Rejected the humoral theory and claimed that chemical imbalances caused disease, meaning chemical remedies could be used to cure people.

#3 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

There is no morality in the state of nature. You need government to order the chaos of nature

#4 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Enlightenment views of religion

#5 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

Most famous French philosopher. Produced many works that criticized social and religious institutions of France. Supported religious tolerance, natural rights, but didn’t believe in democracy, only enlightened absolutism

Section 2: True/false questions

#6 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A French man who believed that Human beings are naturally good & free & can rely on their instincts. Government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy. Similar ideas to John Locke. Idea of the social contract

#7 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

William Harvey

Argued that natural rights were given by god, not a government, so a government couldn’t take them away. Therefore power originates with the people

#8 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Galileo Galilei

A French man who believed that Human beings are naturally good & free & can rely on their instincts. Government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy. Similar ideas to John Locke. Idea of the social contract

#9 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Population increases in the 1700s

Overall, religion was increasingly viewed as a matter of private, rather than public concern. Structures of society grew increasingly secular.

#10 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Charter of towns 1792

Further overturned Galen’s theory by proving how the circulatory system works

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