
Section 1: Multiple Choice questions

#1 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Populist party

#2 Which of the following definitions matches the term?

Pendleton Act

#3 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

Facilitated the migration of black people to africa

#4 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

Farmers wanted to print more money so they could more easily pay back their debts, but the bankers and the wealthy wanted to keep the U.S. Dollar on the gold standard

#5 Which of the following terms matches the definition?

former slave who trained other black men to become economically self-sufficient, and argued this was a better way to gain power than to campaign for better voting rights

Section 2: True/false questions

#6 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Ida B. Wells

Editor of a newspaper editorialized against lynching and jim crow. She fled north due to threats against her

#7 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

The new south

Nativists successfully pressured Congress to stop the flow of Chinese immigrants who were coming over during the gold rush.

#8 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Women's Christian Temperance Union

Worked to ban alcohol, had over 500,000 members

#9 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Jim Crow laws

Workers formed labor unions to have more negotiating power and fight for better pay and working conditions

#10 Determine if the following combination is true or false.

Anti-Saloon league

Worked to close down saloons

Triple-checked your answers?