Federalist 70 Energetic, powerful executive Balance the legislative branch through the veto Easier to blame one person than a bunch of them
Federalist 78 Argued for a aowerful independent judiciary, Judicial review, Life tenure
Argued for checks and balances/ separation of powers
Declaration of Independence The formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the American colonies from Great Britain
1st Constitution unicameral federal gov that dealt with forign affairs no taxes, army, or regulate trade had no executive or judical
Brutus I Need for bill of rights Saw article I, especially the elastic clause, as dangerous Wanted a weaker central gov and more power to the states
Factions are undesirable but inevitable in a republic to destroy factions is to destroy liberty, the cure is worse than the disease pit factions against each other in a large republic
Letter from Birmingham Jail Response to fellow clergymen who deemed his actions in Alabama to be too extreme. The case against "wait". Makes the case for non-violent civil disobedience to cause tension and bring about equality
3 branches, bicameral legislature. Basic rights of all Americans. Supreme law of the nation
The formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the American colonies from Great Britain
Energetic, powerful executive Balance the legislative branch through the veto Easier to blame one person than a bunch of them
Need for bill of rights Saw article I, especially the elastic clause, as dangerous Wanted a weaker central gov and more power to the states
Constitution 3 branches, bicameral legislature. Basic rights of all Americans. Supreme law of the nation
Federalist 78
Federalist 51 Argued for checks and balances/ separation of powers
Federalist 10
Response to fellow clergymen who deemed his actions in Alabama to be too extreme. The case against "wait". Makes the case for non-violent civil disobedience to cause tension and bring about equality
1st Constitution unicameral federal gov that dealt with forign affairs no taxes, army, or regulate trade had no executive or judical
Player 1 wins!

Player 2 wins!

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