Impacts of the printing press
Civic humanism
Focused much more on realism as artists learned how to use perspective
Humanism A focus on the human body and human achievements.
Machiavelli wrote about how an effective ruler should behave: they should maintain order and stability, be feared but not hated.
Separation of church and state.
Leonardo Bruni First to coin the term “humanism”. First to divide history into 3 parts.
New monarchies New technology made war more expensive and it required large centralized governments to afford it. The monarch’s gained power and the nobility lost it.
Isabella and Ferdinand conquered the Muslim state of Grenada, expelled Spanish Jews and tortured non-Catholics
French monarchy in the renaissance The pope rented the power to appoint church officials in France to the king through the accordo di bologna
Castiglione A long career as a diplomat for Milan. Wrote “the courtier” on how a gentleman should behave in court.
Poco della Mirandola
Petrarch His death marked the start of the renaissance. He was called the father of humanism.
Beliefs on education in the renaissance Believed education should promote individual virtue and self sacrificing public service. Aka. Civic humanism
Renaissance monarchies New military technology meant only centralized government could afford to go to war. Monarchs became more powerful, nobility lost power.
Renaissance monarchies
Beliefs on education in the renaissance Believed education should promote individual virtue and self sacrificing public service. Aka. Civic humanism
The printing press helped spread the ideas of the renaissance.
Isabella and Ferdinand conquered the Muslim state of Grenada, expelled Spanish Jews and tortured non-Catholics
A focus on the human body and human achievements.
Civic humanism An emphasis on the public good
The prince Machiavelli wrote about how an effective ruler should behave: they should maintain order and stability, be feared but not hated.
First to coin the term “humanism”. First to divide history into 3 parts.
His death marked the start of the renaissance. He was called the father of humanism.
French monarchy in the renaissance The pope rented the power to appoint church officials in France to the king through the accordo di bologna
Poco della Mirandola He wrote the famous “oration on the dignity of man”, the manifesto of the renaissance. Humans are free to become whatever they want
New monarchies
Castiglione A long career as a diplomat for Milan. Wrote “the courtier” on how a gentleman should behave in court.
Renaissance art
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