Coattail effect
Realigning election when a minority party wins by building a new coalition of voters that continues over successive
Bureaucracy A way of organizing a complex administrative structure with responsibility for carrying out the day to day tasks of organizations.
Issue network
Soft money
A trial in which the judge alone hears and rules the case
Conservative a person whose political views favor more local, limited government, fewer government regulations,
Government corporation a corporation that may receive part of its funding from Congress and is managed by a board
Affirmative Action A program intended to give a boost to minority applicants over white applicants
Pluralist theory of democracy
Random sampling a statistical technique that gives everyone in the target group the same opportunity to participate
Executive privilege a claim by the president or a member of the executive branch that information or documents
Free rider an individual who benefits from the activities of an interest group but does not support the group either
Political action committees (PAC$) extension of an interest group that contributes money to political campaigns
Prospective voting a method of evaluating candidates in which voters focus on candidates' positions on issues
Exclusionary rule
Prior restraint
Split-ticket voting
Subsidy Subsidy a sum of money granted by the government or a public body to assist an industry or business so that the
De facto segregation segregation that results from living patterns rather than law
Cooperative federalism All levels of government working together
A Politico a member of Congress who acts as a delegate on issues that constituents care about (such as immigration
Congressional Oversight Review and supervision of federal agencies and implementations of laws
Liberal a person whose views favor more government involvement in business, social welfare, minority rights, and
bringing charges of wrongdoing against a government official by the House of Representatives
money used directly by a candidate running for office; it is subject to campaign finance laws and Federal
Political ideology
selective incorporation application of portions of the Bill of Rights to the states under the 14th Amendment
Federal funds given to states in broad policy areas with few restrictions
Incumbency effect tendency of those already holding office to win reelection due to advantages because they already
Good-faith exception
Front loading
the first ten amendments to the constitution which protect civil liberties
Standing committee a permanent committee of Congress that deals with legislation and oversight in a broad policy
Judicial review authority given the courts to review the constitutionality of acts by the executive, states, or the
Apportionment Distribution of representatives among the states based on the population of each state
Gatekeepers media executives, news editors, and prominent reporters who decide what news to present and how it
Stare decisis let the decision stand; court decisions are based on precedent from previous cases
Political ideology a consistent set of beliefs about politics and public policy that sets the framework for evaluating
direct majority or minority party strategy and decisions in the House and Senate
an elected official who considers it an obligation to vote the way the majority of his or her constituents
Slander false verbal statements about others that harm their reputation
the numerous people who are involved in the formulation of policy, including the president, members
Popular sovereignty basic principle of US government which holds that the people are the source of all governmental
A program intended to give a boost to minority applicants over white applicants
Cooperative federalism
bringing charges of wrongdoing against a government official by the House of Representatives
a government that derives its authority from the people and in which citizens elect government officials to
Those opposed to the ratification of the constitution because it gave to much power to the federal government at the cost of the states
a primary election in which each voter may vote for candidates from both parties
Strict constructionist the view that justices should base decisions on a narrow interpretation of the Constitution
Straight-ticket voting voting for candidates all of the same party
a tax that is assessed on everyone at the same rate and, therefore, impacts the poor more than it
money used by national, state, or local party organizations that is not regulated by the Federal Election
acts designed to prevent discrimination and provide equality
Realigning election when a minority party wins by building a new coalition of voters that continues over successive
Franking privilege allows members of Congress to mail letters and other materials to constituents free of charge
Trial balloon tests the public reaction to policy or appointments by releasing information to the media and gauging
Hyperpluralism democracy seen as a system of many groups pulling government in many directions at the same time,
Player 1 wins!

Player 2 wins!

End this game?

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