Anaerobic Process that does not require oxygen
Acetyl CoA
Aerobic Process that requires oxygen
series of electron carrier proteins that shuttle high-energy electrons during ATP-generating reactions
Chemiosmosis Process by which a Hydrogen pump pumps protons into the thylakoid membrane. H+ passively flows through the ATP synthase which leads to the creation of ATP.
Anabolism Metabolic pathways that construct molecules, requiring energy.
Fermentation A catabolic process that makes a limited amount of ATP from glucose without an electron transport chain and that produces a characteristic end product, such as ethyl alcohol or lactic acid.
citric acid cycle
substrate-level phosphorylation
cellular respiration Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen
electron carrier involved in glycolysis
Cytochromes proteins that play a key role in electron transport chains in mitochondria and chloroplasts
amount of oxygen requirement to oxidize lactic acid produced anaerobically during strenous muscle activity.
Glycolysis A metabolic process that breaks down carbohydrates and sugars through a series of reactions to either pyruvic acid or lactic acid and release energy for the body in the form of ATP
Mitocondrion Cell organelle that converts the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use
prepartory reaction
Catabolism Metabolic pathways that break down molecules, releasing energy.
prepartory reaction parent drug more polar metabolite
citric acid cycle Completes the breakdown of glucose by oxidizing a derivative of pyruvate to carbon dioxide.
substrate-level phosphorylation
FAD electron carrier produced during the Krebs cycle
Acetyl CoA
A catabolic process that makes a limited amount of ATP from glucose without an electron transport chain and that produces a characteristic end product, such as ethyl alcohol or lactic acid.
cellular respiration Process that releases energy by breaking down glucose and other food molecules in the presence of oxygen
Process by which a Hydrogen pump pumps protons into the thylakoid membrane. H+ passively flows through the ATP synthase which leads to the creation of ATP.
Electron Transport Chain (ETC) series of electron carrier proteins that shuttle high-energy electrons during ATP-generating reactions
Mitocondrion Cell organelle that converts the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are more convenient for the cell to use
Cytochromes proteins that play a key role in electron transport chains in mitochondria and chloroplasts
oxygen dept amount of oxygen requirement to oxidize lactic acid produced anaerobically during strenous muscle activity.
Player 1 wins!

Player 2 wins!

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