Economic miracle
Prevented east berliners from fleeing to the economically prosperous west.
Hegemony Unified dominance. Ex: the soviet union's dominance over eastern europe.
Gorbachev's effort to restructure the soviet economy by introducing some limited free-market elements like private property
Common market (later the european union)
Growth of social welfare The idea of social welfare spread throughout europe.
Cold war A conflict between the United States and soviet union where neither engaged in direct warfare with the other.
After WWII, Europe lay in ruins. The U.S. hoped strong democratic economies would not easily fall to communism. Western European countries gladly accepted the money, while Soviet satellite states did not.
Korean war
2nd wave of feminism
European union THe EU is continually trying to balance questions of national sovereignty with the responsibilities of membership in an economic and political union
Algerian decolonization National liberation front fought with france until Algeria was independent.
Polish elections of 1989 Poland had alway resited communism. A labor party called solidarity protested any attempt to restrict their freedoms. In that year the soviets legalized their party, thinking they would loose anyway. Solidarity won and started dissolving the bonds between poland and the soviet union.
Although the US and USSR never directly fought, the cold war did turn hot in a couple of proxy wars across the globe.
A major push for women's suffrage and other rights after women's contributions to WWI and WWII
Results of U.S. influence
Officially ended the cold war, capitalist democracies were established in eastern europe, and germany was reunited.
Gorbachev allows for free speech When people were allowed to express their opinions, turns out they didn't really like the USSR. A wave of nationalism spread over soviet countries who started demanding their independence.
Demanded Hungary have free and fair elections in Hungary. The soviets freaked out and sent hundreds of troops, and tanks to crush the revolution
Chechen nationalist movement
Division of germany At the end of the war, germany was divided into occupation zones. The west wanted economic recovery for Germany to keep europe stable, but the soviets wanted to keep germany weak, and wanted to extract reparations.
Indian decolonization India used non-violent civil disobedience to negotiate with the exhausted british for independence.
Agreement between 6 countries to integrate their coal and steel operations. Was quickly profitable for member nations and the idea was that if nations were tied together economically, they wouldn't go to war with one another.
European coal and steel community Agreement between 6 countries to integrate their coal and steel operations. Was quickly profitable for member nations and the idea was that if nations were tied together economically, they wouldn't go to war with one another.
Economic miracle
Proxy wars Although the US and USSR never directly fought, the cold war did turn hot in a couple of proxy wars across the globe.
Women's rights
Common market (later the european union)
Chechen nationalist movement Chechen muslims had profound anti-russian sentiments that stretch back centuries. When the USSR collapsed, they declared independence. They ruled themselves for 3 years until Russia decided to reassert its influence through a series of conflicts that ended in 2017.
Division of germany At the end of the war, germany was divided into occupation zones. The west wanted economic recovery for Germany to keep europe stable, but the soviets wanted to keep germany weak, and wanted to extract reparations.
Marshall plan (1947) After WWII, Europe lay in ruins. The U.S. hoped strong democratic economies would not easily fall to communism. Western European countries gladly accepted the money, while Soviet satellite states did not.
Korean war After Japan was defeated, their former colony Korea was divided into north and south. In 1950, the north invaded the south, and the USSR US each backed opposing sides.
Perestroika Gorbachev's effort to restructure the soviet economy by introducing some limited free-market elements like private property
Decolonization It was Wilson's insistence that nations be granted the right of national self-determination that led to calls for independence throughout the world. (14 points)
Berlin wall Prevented east berliners from fleeing to the economically prosperous west.
Polish elections of 1989 Poland had alway resited communism. A labor party called solidarity protested any attempt to restrict their freedoms. In that year the soviets legalized their party, thinking they would loose anyway. Solidarity won and started dissolving the bonds between poland and the soviet union.
2nd wave of feminism Whereas the main push during the first wave was to secure the right to vote, the second wave focused on societal issues and inequalities women faced including education, marriage laws, and professional careers.
Indian decolonization India used non-violent civil disobedience to negotiate with the exhausted british for independence.
Growth of social welfare The idea of social welfare spread throughout europe.
Algerian decolonization
Fall of the Soviet Union in 1991
Hungarian revolution (1956) Demanded Hungary have free and fair elections in Hungary. The soviets freaked out and sent hundreds of troops, and tanks to crush the revolution
European union
A conflict between the United States and soviet union where neither engaged in direct warfare with the other.
When people were allowed to express their opinions, turns out they didn't really like the USSR. A wave of nationalism spread over soviet countries who started demanding their independence.
Results of U.S. influence Creation of world monetary and trade systems, like the International monetary fund which offered loans to help nations rebuild, and the creation of NATO for the defence of western european nations
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