The idea that each representative in parliament represented the empire as a whole, and therefore, the colonies were represented.
A new focus on cash-crops in the north and west, and a shift to more expensive mechanized farming methods put smaller farms out of business. Big trusts that farmers relied on (like railroads) also raised prices, making it even harder for farmers to make a living
Farmers in southeast Pennsylvania stopped paying taxes for the larger military. John Fries led a peaceful protest, but John Adams ordered federal troops to stop the protest, and they made mass arrests, assaulted newspaper editors, and almost executed John Fries.
George Washington's Presidency Established many precedents for the office of the president. Created a cabinet-style government, appointed cabinet officials based on merit, and stepped down after 2 terms
Roanoke Colony
Hola Hello
Helped make voting more fair by giving voters privacy and preventing party bosses from pressuring people into voting for them
Brown v. Board of education The Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools were inherently unequal and schools had to be integrated. Overturned plessy v. Ferguson from 1896
Published a devastating investigation of standard oil in 1902
18th amendment passed
End of the federalists The war had revived the struggling party thanks to the anti-war movement. Now that the war was over, federalist support collapsed for good.
7 years war A dispute over a French fort spiraled into a global conflict. Indigenous tribes tried to play Britain and France off of each other.
Asiento System System that took slaves to the New World to work for the Spanish. Required that a tax be paid to the Spanish ruler for each slave brought over.
The great migration Over 1.5 million African Americans moved north in search of economic opportunities created by the war effort and an escape from southern discrimination
Crisis in American values
New deal Public works administration: employed people to work on infrastructure projects Tennessee Valley Authority: Hired people to control power plants and control flooding
Facilitated the migration of black people to africa
Civil Rights Act of 1964
2nd Continental Congress How would the colonists win? George Washington would lead an army How would they pay for it? New currency
Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white passenger
Democratic Republicans Weak national government
Assembly line A new and more efficient way to manufacture products like cars
7 years war A dispute over a french fort spiraled into a global conflict. Indigenous tribes tried to play Britain and France off of each other.
From 1820 to 1840 nearly 2 million immigrants (mainly from Germany and Ireland) showed up
Panic of 1819
Election of 1844 James k. Polk was a big believer in manifest destiny. He got the Oregon territory and started the Mexican-American River.
John D. Rockefeller Pioneered horizontal integration, where one company controls every seller in the market.
Panic of 1893 A severe economic depression during which nearly a quarter of railroads declared bankruptcy. This caused bankers to buy up many of the railroads, leading to consolidation.
GI Bill
Wanted to correct the concentration of power held by banks and trusts. Proposed the Omaha platform: Direct election of senators, more referendums, graduated income tax, and an 8-hour workday
Required railroad rates to be reasonable and just, and established a federal commission to oversee the railroads
Harlem Renaissance Black artists and performers developed a distinct art that grew out of the black experience
Nat turners rebellion A young slave organized a rebellion believing that god had told him to do so. He and his followers killed over 50 people
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Established the southern border of the United States and granted a huge portion of land known as the Mexican cession which included California and new Mexico
Puritan culture Family seen as foundation of social fabric
Immigration Quotas
First great awakening A revitalization of religious piety that swept through the American colonies between the 1730s and the 1770s.
Square deal When coal miners began to strike, Roosevelt stepped in to negotiate what he called a 'square deal' for both the workers and the corperation
Great railroad strike Railroad companies cut salaries due to a recession. Railroad workers went on strike in 11 states. When the strike got violent, 11 people were killed before President Hayes sent in federal troops
Increased immigration from eastern Europe after the war created another wave of nativism. Led to the passage of the immigration quotas
N.O.W. Advocated for women's rights using many of the same tactics as the civil rights movement
Monroe doctrine Established the western hemisphere as a U.S.-dominated sphere of influence without European involvement.
1920's politics
Mandated fair congressional districts
Bessemer process
Espionage Act of 1917 Anyone who tried to incite rebellion or obstruct the draft would go to prison
After the arrest of a black motorist by white officers, rioters killed over 30 people and destroyed hundreds of buildings in Los Angeles
Established many precedents for the office of the president. Created a cabinet-style government, appointed cabinet officials based on merit, and stepped down after 2 terms
Cult of domesticity
Very strict. Max land ownership, no slavery, alcohol, or Catholics. By 1740's Georgians wanted normal english liberties so these restrictions went away.
President Jefferson established an embargo on foreign trade in retaliation for Britain and France attacks on American ships.
Whigs New party led by Henry Clay. Main difference was disagreement over federal power
He favored removing them to reservations beyond the Mississippi if they refused to "civilize" themselves. Some unified and began violently resisting with help from the British
National Grange movement
Zimmermann telegram Germany solicited Mexico to become an ally of theirs, and in return they would help Mexico regain the land that they had lost in the Mexican-American war.
Ruled that federal law trumps state law
Argued that the Supreme Court had engaged in a gross abuse of power
American federation of labor Grew to over a million members by 1901 and had some modest successes
March on Washington Hundreds of thousands gathered for a peaceful protest in front of the lincoln memorial. MLK gave his 'I have a dream' speech
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