

Unit 5 review (1648-1815)

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Unit 5 review (1648-1815)

37 Flashcards 0 recently 0/10

Matteo Z

The enlightenment, French revolution, and Napoleon. All the terms from the Heimler’s history unit 3 review video


British Navigation Acts
Goods being shipped to or from british colonie shad to be on british ships. Made the british merchants very rich and weakened the dutch.
Dutch East India Company
Government-chartered joint-stock company that controlled the spice trade in the East Indies. Aimed to dethrone the Portuguese dominance of Asian trade
British East India Company
Provided competition to Riley dutch east India company
War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
War over the control of Austria due to the fact that Charles VI left Maria Theresa (a girl) as heir to the throne. Frederick II of Prussia invaded due to a want for Silesia and France helped him in order to humiliate their enemy (Austria.) Great Britain allied with Austria to prevent France from gaining more land. The colonies of F and GB began to fight also. Austria gave Silesia to Prussia and the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle ended the war.
Seven Years War
(1756-1763 CE) Known also as the French and Indian war. It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English that proved the English to be the more dominant force of what was to be the United States both commercially and in terms of controlled regions. Left England in a lot of debt
French Revolution (1789)
Period of radical social and political change throughout Europe that began with an uprising
French Revolution economic causes
Expensive foreign wars (Louis 14-16) led to always increasing tax burden placed squarely on the peasants because the nobility was exempted from paying taxes
French Revolution political causes
Imbalances in the estates general. 97% of the population only got 1 vote.
French revolution other cause
There was a bread shortage which finally sparked the revolution
National Assembly
King Louis locked the third estate out of the meeting room, they declared themselves the national assembly
Tennis Court Oath
A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution
Storming of the Bastille
People stormed a debtors prison for people who couldn't pay taxes, in response to learning that king Louis was assembling an army to crush the National Assembly
Great fear
A wave of senseless panic that spread through the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille in 1789
Liberal Phase of the French Revolution (1789-92)
Led by the bourgeoisie. National Assembly drafted the declaration of the rights of man and citizen and nationalized the catholic church. Women played a large role in this phase
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
Drew inspiration from enlightenment thinkers like Locke and Voltaire. Provided for freedom of speech and a representative government. Abolished the privileges of the upper estates, established popular sovereignty in France
National Assembly nationalized and reforms the church
Confiscated church property, eliminated the taxes peasants had to pay the church, clergy were placed under state control
October March on Versailles
Women marched to the palace of Versailles to demand the bread the king was hoarding. They then stormed the palace, killed several guards, and forced the king to accept the declaration of the rights of man and citizen, which he did
Constitution of 1791
established a limited monarchy with 3 branches of government: legislative assembly, king, and revised judicial system.
Radical Phase
Second phase of the French Revolution 1792-1794, Radicals (Jacobins) gain control of National Assembly becoming the National Convention. The Monarchy is abolished, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette executed, Committee of Public Safety created, Reign of Terror killed anyone who opposed revolution
Reign of Terror
(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty" by the committee of public safety
Foreign responses to French revolution
Other European monarchies didn't like the revolution. In response France built the largest military Europe had ever seen by conscripting every man aged 18-25. They won the wars
French revolutionary wars
A series of conflicts fought between the French Revolutionary government and European states hostile to the Revolution (1792-1802). A war of people against kings. France shocked everyone and won.
Effects of the French Revolution
Led to the Haitian revolution, other European thinkers argued against the chaos of the reign of terror and prevented the revolution from spreading
Effects of the French Revolution
Led to the Haitian revolution, other European thinkers argued against the chaos of the reign of terror and prevented the revolution from spreading
Napoleon Bonaparte
Won a glowing reputation for his role in the French revolutionary wars
Napoleon overthrows Directory
In 1799 napoleon returns from Egypt and helps overthrow the French government and establishes a three member consulate with himself as ruler. People supported a less representative government in exchange for peace and stability.
Napoleon becomes emperor (1802)
Holds a vote and becomes first consul for life, he then uses that power to crown himself as emperor
Napoleon domestic policies
Napoleanic code, centralized government under his own authority. Created a merit based bureaucracy. He figured out how to balance absolutism and enlightenment ideals.
Napoleonic Code
An enlightened law code that included equality of citizens (men) before the law, protections of wealth and private property, and religious toleration
Concordat of 1801
This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France by giving the French Catholics free practice of their religion and Napoleon political power by retaining the right to nominate bishops and other church officials
Napoleon's secret police
Worked to maintain the status quo and peace. They sometimes executed innocent people to send a message
Napoleaon curtailed the freedom of speech and press
Installed state-sponsored censors in every major newspaper
Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815)
Series of major wars led by French Emperor Napoleon against various Europeans powers after the French Revolution; ended with the failed invasion of Russia in 1812 and the loss at Waterloo in 1815. Spread French enlightenment ideas and rights.
Continental System
Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain's economy so he could finally defeat them.
Peninsular War (1808-1813)
The Spanish rebelled against napoleon's rule and the continental system. Started to weaken his rule
Battle of Waterloo (1815)
Napoleon returns to France from Elba after being forced to abdicate the throne by the coalition of nations. Tried to overthrow his replacement Louis the 18th, but was defeated by other nations and sent to St. Helena island.
Conference of Vienna (1815)
European states gathered to negotiate how to restore the balance of power that had been so messed up by napoleon. Tried to establish lasting peace in Europe. Led to 50 years of peace.