

Unit 2 review (1450-1648)

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Unit 2 review (1450-1648)

28 Flashcards 0 recently 0/10

Matteo Z

Protestant reformation, catholic reformation, and the 30 years war. All the terms from the heimler's history unit 2 review video.


the buying and selling of church offices
favoritism to relatives
Allowed people to buy their salvation
Diet of Worms
called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. Luther was ordered to recant but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw.
Calvinist belief that God long ago determined who would gain salvation
A Protestant sect that believed only adults could make a free choice regarding religion; they also advocated pacifism, separation of church and state, and democratic church organization.
French Protestants
Massacre of Vassy
Murder of Huguenots by Catholics: considered the incident that led to war
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Catherine de Medici had thousands of Protestants killed at Henry of Navarre's wedding
Edict of Nantes
document that granted religious freedom to the Huguenots in France
Peace of Augsburg
A treaty between Charles V and the German Protestant princes that let each prince choose the religion of their kingdom (only Protestant or catholic)
Frederick 1st
Helped start the 30 years war because he challenged the catholic absolutism of the holy Roman emperor Ferdinand 2nd
Defenestration of Prague
Holy Roman emperor Ferdinand 2nd shut down several lutheran churches in Bohemia. They then threw those officials out of a window.
30 years war: Bohemian Phase (1618-1625)
Small localized war in Bohemia between the Protestant union and the catholic league . Catholic league won and reestablished Catholicism
Battle of White Mountain (1620)
Catholics defeated the Protestants and reestablished Catholicism (bohemian phase)
Danish Phase (1625-1629)
King of Denmark, who was Protestant, led attacks against the Catholics. War is transforming from a local conflict, to a tran-national war
Swedish Phase (1630-1635)
Marks the point at which the war extended beyond the borders of the Holy Roman Empire and became a proper European war. King gustavus Adolphus, a brilliant strategist scored major victories for the Protestants, with aid from France.
French Phase (1635-1648)
Used this war as an excuse to fight the Habsburgs in Spain in order to assure that they would not rebound from the Protestant defeats
Peace of Westphalia
the peace treaty that ended the Thirty Years' War in 1648. Marked the end of Europe's religious wars, amended the Augsburg agreement, and weakened the holy Roman emperor
Catholic Reformation
Religious reform movement within the Latin Christian Church, begun in response to the Protestant Reformation. It clarified Catholic theology and reformed clerical training and discipline in response to Protestant reforms.
Roman Inquisition
A Catholic court that inquired into the beliefs of people to see if they were heretics
Index of Prohibited Books
A list of Books, created by the Catholic Church, that supported Protestantism or that were overly critical of the Church were banned. Possession could be severe.
Council of Trent
Aimed to reform the church and reconcile with Protestants. They cracked down on corruption and created a spiritual reawakening.
members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola
Social order in 16th century europe
Land ownership important, wealth important, religion, and patriarchy (less in rural areas)
Where they would put you if you broke the law. Your arms and legs are restrained and anyone in town can throw things at you.
Witch hunts
In 1500s to 1600s about 50 thousand women were killed for being witches. Caused by patriarchal beliefs (women are too weak to resist the devil)
Double entry book keeping
Banks began handling so much money, new techniques were developed to keep track of it. Double entry booking was a way of keeping track of everyone’s debts and bank balance.