

APUSH Unit 6 (1865-1898)

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APUSH Unit 6 (1865-1898)

46 Flashcards 0 recently 0/10

Matteo Z

All the terms from the Heimler's history unit 6 review video



Homestead act


Gave settlers 160 acres of land if they lived there for 5 years.


Starting in 1865 many Americans started pushing westward again after the interruption of the civil war


Sioux wars


Sioux initally won a deceive victory against the U.S. army.


Interstate commerce act


Required railroad rates to be reasonable and just, and established a federal commission to oversee the railroads


National Grange movement


Social and educational collective aimed at brining farmers together. Soon became political to lobby for farmers


Indian appropriation act


congress sparked a new fight with the Sioux, by passing a law that nullified all previous treaties made with native Americans


Great railroad strike


Railroad companies cut salaries due to a recession. Railroad workers went on strike in 11 states. When the strike got violent, 11 people were killed before President Hayes sent in federal troops


Pendleton Act


Political appointments were very corrupt after a guy shot the president because he didn't get a job, congress passed the Pendleton Act, which created an exam that was used for deciding who would get a job


Caused politicians to shift from relying on their parties, to rich donors instead


Chinese exclusion act


Nativists successfully pressured Congress to stop the flow of Chinese immigrants who were coming over during the gold rush.


Haymarket square riot


Anarchists set off a bomb during a Knights of labor protest in Chicago for an 8-hour workweek. Many people began to see the labor movement as violent and radical


Dawes act


Broke up tribal organizations and divided up tribal land and gave U.S. citizenship to natives who "Americanized" themselves


Sherman antitrust act


Made monopolizing an entire market illegal


Written too vaguely to actually break up many of the trusts


By 1890, the U.S. Census Bureau declared that the frontier was officially settled




Worked to secure voting rights for women


Pullman strike


After a railroad car manufacturer cut wages, and the union tried to negotiate, the company failed them all. The railroad union decided to not work on any trains with Pullman cars in them. The railroad owners tied the Pullman cars to mail trains in order to get the government to keep them moving, and the union members were jailed


Massive extension of the railroad system created a truly national market for goods
Government support for railroads
Railroads supported by the government through money and land grants
Panic of 1893
A severe economic depression during which nearly a quarter of railroads declared bankruptcy. This caused bankers to buy up many of the railroads, leading to consolidation.
Bessemer process
Enabled manufacturers to produce huge quantities of steel
Andrew Carnegie
Pioneered vertical integration, where one company controls every stage of the manufacturing process
John D. Rockefeller
Pioneered horizontal integration, where one company controls every seller in the market.
Laissez-faire economics
There was an extreme lack of government regulation of the economy at the time
Gospel of wealth
Andrew Carnegie argued that those with wealth should invest it into society
Sherman antitrust act
Made monopolizing an entire market illegal
White collar workers
All the industrialization created a new type of work for managers and administrators who ran the factories instead of working in them
Labor unions
Workers formed labor unions to have more negotiating power and fight for better pay and working conditions
Great railroad strike
Railroad companies cut salaries due to a recession. Railroad workers went on strike in 11 states. When the strike got violent, 11 people were killed before President Hayes sent in federal troops
Pullman strike
After a railroad car manufacturer cut wages, and the union tried to negotiate, the company failed them all. The railroad union decided to not work on any trains with Pullman cars in them. The railroad owners tied the Pullman cars to mail trains in order to get the government to keep them moving, and the union members were jailed
Knights of labor
National union open to ALL laborers. Wanted to end child labor and end trusts
Haymarket square riot
Anarchists set off a bomb during a Knights of labor protest in Chicago for an 8-hour workweek. Many people began to see the labor movement as violent and radical
American federation of labor
Grew to over a million members by 1901 and had some modest successes
Growth of immigration
16 million immigrants (mostly from Europe) came looking for better economic opportunities
Views on immigration
Feared that factory owners would use immigrants to keep wages low and to replace striking workers
American protective association
Heavily anti-catholic and Social Darwinists
Starting in 1865 many Americans started pushing westward again after the interruption of the civil war

Chinese exclusion act
Nativists successfully pressured Congress to stop the flow of Chinese immigrants who were coming over during the gold rush.
Homestead act
Gave settlers 160 acres of land if they lived there for 5 years.
By 1890, the U.S. Census Bureau declared that the frontier was officially settled

Reservation system
Indian nations were assigned land called reservations. However this land was much less than before, and many decided to just keep following buffalo
Sioux wars
Sioux initally won a deceive victory against the U.S. army.
Indian appropriation act
congress sparked a new fight with the Sioux, by passing a law that nullified all previous treaties made with native Americans
Ghost dance movement
nationwide movement of resistance. They began to believe that if they took up the ritualistic ghost dance, that their ancestors would return and drive the Americans out.
Assimilationist movement
Wanted to end indian culture by forcing them to assimilate to American values.
Dawes act
Broke up tribal organizations and divided up tribal land and gave U.S. citizenship to natives who "Americanized" themselves
Changes in farming
A new focus on cash-crops in the north and west, and a shift to more expensive mechanized farming methods put smaller farms out of business. Big trusts that farmers relied on (like railroads) also raised prices, making it even harder for farmers to make a living
National Grange movement
Social and educational collective aimed at brining farmers together. Soon became political to lobby for farmers
Interstate commerce act
Required railroad rates to be reasonable and just, and established a federal commission to oversee the railroads
Political machines
Corrupt political bosses and their followers
Tammany Hall
The most famous political machine organized and met the needs of immigrants and the poor in exchange for votes
Settlement houses
Provided resources to the poor to enrich the neighborhood. Largely led by women
National American Woman Suffrage Association
Worked to secure voting rights for women
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Worked to ban alcohol, had over 500,000 members
Anti-Saloon league
Worked to close down saloons
The new south
Idea that the future of the south would be based on economic diversity and industrial growth. Massive growth of population, industry, and railroads. Only in limited industrial centers though.
Jim Crow laws
Forced segregation and prevented african americans from exercising their civil liberties
Ida B. Wells
Editor of a newspaper editorialized against lynching and jim crow. She fled north due to threats against her
International migration society
Facilitated the migration of black people to africa
Booker T. Washington
former slave who trained other black men to become economically self-sufficient, and argued this was a better way to gain power than to campaign for better voting rights
Pendleton Act
Political appointments were very corrupt after a guy shot the president because he didn't get a job, congress passed the Pendleton Act, which created an exam that was used for deciding who would get a job
Debates over money
Farmers wanted to print more money so they could more easily pay back their debts, but the bankers and the wealthy wanted to keep the U.S. Dollar on the gold standard
Populist party
Wanted to correct the concentration of power held by banks and trusts. Proposed the Omaha platform: Direct election of senators, more referendums, graduated income tax, and an 8-hour workday